We are a group of like-minded farmers from the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra, India. We are dedicated to environment-friendly farming practices. Whatever we have written in our mission, currently some of us working with the same model. But it is on small scale. This model is tested and verified by consumers. Now we are ready to expand it. One of our directors Chinmay Futane and CEO Vinay Futane and their family running 35 acres of an organic farm since 1985. Very own consumer base and distribution system are at the place for the products grown on the ‘Futane farm’. At least 5000 consumers have tried and a 1000 regular consumers base is there. ‘Futane farm’ mainly deals in Mango, Oranges, Bamboo, tur dal, turmeric, pickles, jams and many more.
Now we have decided to grow this grower cosumer-based model collectively on large scale. That’s why we have decided to establish a farmer producer company.
In 1st phase of expansion two of our directors, AvinashBhingare and PratapMarode have started converting their land into organic farming. At the same time, we are working on the plan according to which we are going to establish 4 food processing plants for cold press oils, jams, pickles, pulses etc. We are committed to serving farmers and consumers equally.

So many useful things are gifted to us by mother nature. Making fertilisers with the use of earthworms i.e. vermicompost is one of them. We are a group of like-minded people with this venture.

What we do is try to maintain the soil in its natural format by adding organically enriched vermicompost to it. The age-old technique by our ancestors is now being largely adopted by the western world.

The outcome
After using vermicompost, the outcome is amazing. With the highest yield; farmers are nowadays earning more profit; and that with pesticide free farming. The concept takes care of every individual.
Let us make the world pesticide free.

“Best Farmer”

“Innovative farmer”

“Nature farm”